We design and develop digital products that users adore, from concept to launch.


Mobile and Web App Development

Game Design, AR, and VR Design

Microservices and Backend Development

We've built award-winning iOS and Android apps that have transformed businesses, received multiple "Best of the Year" honors from the Apple App Store, and are used by millions of users worldwide.

We craft immersive game experiences and innovative AR/VR applications that captivate users. Our team combines creativity with cutting-edge technology to bring your game and interactive ideas to life, ensuring engaging and memorable user experiences.

We've guided many enterprises in modernizing their apps and infrastructure, migrating to microservices. Our expertise includes advising on security, handling high user volumes, and ensuring smooth operations. We've also supported startups in scaling from MVP to managing over 10k+ requests per second, optimizing job queues and databases.

Automations and No-Code Solutions

We offer robust automation services to streamline your business processes, saving you time and reducing errors. Additionally, our expertise in no-code solutions empowers you to build and deploy apps quickly, allowing for rapid innovation and flexibility without deep technical knowledge.

Code quality

Our dedication to code quality is evident in our workflow: every Pull Request is rigorously reviewed, and we use linters to monitor essential metrics like Cognitive Complexity.

We've even open-sourced our cognitive complexity tool for Flutter, contributing to the wider dev community.

Agile development

With more than a decade of agile software development under our belt, we're seasoned in designing, building, and delivering projects punctually.

At DamnFast Tech, we offer the agility to adjust priorities and resources based on actual user feedback, empowering you to meet your goals with precision.

We're convinced that the key to successful software development lies in solid partnerships and transparent communication.

Right from the start, we collaborate closely with our clients to grasp their needs and priorities. By offering regular updates and actively seeking feedback, we make sure we're aligned with your vision at every phase.

Active communication

We excel across the board, from unit and integration testing to simulating usage spikes with load tests. Our QA team is skilled in tailoring their approach to each project, offering both manual and automated regression testing.

Check out how our QA team leverages ChatGPT to accelerate test case creation!

Quality assurance

a bunch of different types of mobile phones
a bunch of different types of mobile phones

UI Phone App Design for Takeaway platform

3D Design for Motobike Game

UI/UX Design

Our design methodology dives deep into knowing your audience, exploring user preferences, digital habits, and behaviors to outline user journeys, and to craft user personas and scenarios.

We go beyond just sketching out UX flows and architectures; we also guide you through the technology options for your project, considering their pros and cons, to foresee and eliminate any development hurdles.

User-centric design

We adopt iterative development to build and launch products, prioritizing key features to enhance user experience and accelerate businesses' time to market.

Usability testing

We're seasoned in conducting usability testing sessions with our clients, whether it's in a physical test lab or remotely through platforms like, and we truly enjoy it.
We've even open-sourced our cognitive complexity tool for Flutter, contributing to the wider dev community.

We recognize the challenges of introducing a new product or service. That's why we champion the MVP approach, enabling you to debut your idea with minimal risk and investment.

Lean startup

Our Tech Stack

Discuss what we could do for you.